Unfortunately you won't always get to choose when you lay your sod, and planting sod in summer heat or winter cold can affect your choice of grass. Read How to Lay Sod in the Summer for more details. With an electronics degree and more than 10 years of experience, she applies her love of gadgets to the gardening world as she continues her education through college classes and gardening activities. From fertilizer to disease control, our goal is to provide you with the knowledge and tools to ensure you have the best looking lawn on the block. Cold-season grasses like fescue can be put down at any time of year, though they prefer the cooler months. The best time to lay your new sod is when night temperatures range between 65 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Growing St. Augustine from seed is quite difficult, so using plugs or sod is recommended. link to Can you cook mince 1 day out of date? Heres how to get best results when laying turf in hot weather. In general, though, the ideal time to lay sod is when daytime temperatures are cool between 55 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Thats important to them, but not necessarily beneficial to you. Some of the old standby varieties need more water, fertilizer and fungicides. Its, therefore, difficult for the sods tender roots to absorb enough moisture and nutrients from the soil. Learn to take the best possible care of your lawn and garden by subscribing to our weekly Sod University newsletter or by referring to our installation, establishment and maintenance guides. This is because the temperatures have cooled down from the summer highs and you tend to get more precipitation during these months. If youre waiting for spring weather, its important not to wait too long. Click Buy Sod Near Me to locate sod for sale around the area youre located or launch our Sod Sales Tool to get started with entering the amount of desired sod and selecting a type of grass. You will want the soil to be damp three to four inches below the surface. Therefore, note; Install new sod in late winter or early summer. Sod is perishable and should be installed immediately after delivery, especially when the weather is hot and dry. How to Lay Sod . All of these conditions help sod to take root quickly and establish itself before summer arrives. A self-taught DIYer, Tammy loves nothing more than tackling a new project in her own home. We dont like to wait. What Is The Difference Between Bonding And HardWall. Instead, water the sod in smaller amounts, several times during the day. While you can lay soil at almost any time of year, fall is . Continuous watering can make your lawns surface soft. Some Important "Do's and Don'ts" for Laying Turf in Hot Weather. The sod will therefore die. Unlike seeding a lawn, which can be done at any time of year (provided the ground isnt frozen), the best time to lay sod is in the spring or autumn. Spring is the second best time to plant sod and is the preferable time for warm season grasses such as centipede, zoysia, bermuda and St. Augustine that become dormant in the winter. Your sod will not green up until the spring. Get your. Do you see a pattern here, we want to do everything we can to stay below 130 F. How much should I pay for a custom closet? manicured lawn look, don't use Centipede sod. How Do I Fix Bare or Brown Spots in My Lawn? Water thoroughly one or two days before the sod is delivered so that the top several inches of soil are wetted. However, it is best to do this in spring or early fall. You dont want to lay it too soon or too late, or else you run the risk of having your project fail. Who wouldnt want their lawn looking its very best? Sod is more expensive than seed, and it also requires more work to lay down. If you must lay sod early, try to wait until late spring and position the grass in a sunny area. Good ventilation is essential if you want to avoid sod heating. High temperatures and temperatures that fluctuate rapidly can also be harmful to sod. As soon as the lorry arrives with your turf on board, start unstacking the pallet. If youre using a warm-season grass, like Bermuda or St. Augustine, its best to lay sod in the spring or summer. If youre looking for more information on sod installation in South Carolina, keep reading. Nutrients and moisture within the soil sustain the grass until its active growing period next summer. The expiration date also labeled Arew is the go-to source for all your home improvement, gardening, cooking, and family needs. Make small piles of turf on the prepared soil. Bear in mind that should your turf not establish well, its for you to prove to your supplier that you DID lay it within 8 hours of delivery. The days are getting shorter, the temperatures are cooling off, and the ground is beginning to harden as it preparing for winter. At hotter temperatures, the sod dries out more quickly and suffers more shock. In general, though, the ideal time to lay sod is when daytime temperatures are cool -- between 55 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. If soil temperatures dip below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, sod roots stop their growth. Most people choose the fall or spring because the temperatures are more likely to be mild, between 55 and 65 degrees, and therefore ideal for laying sod. To learn more about the nutrients new grass needs, readWhen to Fertilize Newly Installed Sod. This makes it harder for your sod to take root. Try to sod in the early summer when temperatures remain warm for several weeks for proper root establishment and grass blade growth in preferred U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 10. Its best to wait until things have dried out a bit before you lay your sod. Anything above 85 degrees Fahrenheit would be too hot. Rainfall Another factor to consider is the amount of rainfall in your area. There is plenty of time between fall and winter for the sod to root and establish prior to dormancy which means in the winter, your lawn will be healthy, full and easy to green up in the spring. If it feels hot to the touch, put gloves on, break the pallet down into smaller stacks and call your supplier immediately. You also run the risk of having weeds invade before your grass has had a chance to grow on its own. How Warm Must it Be to Plant Lawn Grass Seed? Turf Magazine, the industry magazine for all things turf, says that laying sod in the winter is risky business. They also can produce more, Apply a quality starter fertilizer before laying the sod. If it's too cold, the sod won't take root and will eventually die as well. If youre laying sod in a shady area, its best to do so in the spring or fall. How Long Does It Take for Sod to Take Root? The three bottles work together to establish thick, healthy grass. Joe Churchill is a Senior Turf Specialist for Reinders, Inc. in Plymouth, MN with a passion to promote realistic and environmentally-sound turfgrass maintenance practices through responsible use of water, fertilizers, pesticides and other inputs. Worst Time of Year for Lay Sod. The ideal temperature for laying sod is between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Water each section of turfing as soon as it has been laid. The optimal temperature for sod lies between the range of 58-86 F (14-30 C). You'll need to be diligent in keeping it watered, and ideally water the soil before putting down your sod. Once established, sod becomes less vulnerable to the vagaries of the weather, including temperature extremes. Keep the soil moist until the sprouts are about two inches tall. It releases nitrogen,. before the summer gets too hot. The ideal temperature for laying sod is between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It is, however, best to do so in the spring or early autumn. On the other hand, cold weather makes it more difficult for the grass to take. Our sod experts can help you determine which sod is best for your specific project needs and make recommendations for when to lay it, and how to care for it for your best success. Fix any areas that dip to avoid issues with drainage. If youre using a cool-season grass, like fescue or rye, its best to lay sod in the fall or winter. Warm weather necessitates more frequent watering. (and trust me, you DO want to avoid sod heating). You dont want to lay sod in an area thats been experiencing a lot of rain, as this can cause the sod to rot. It all comes down to temperature. When youre laying sod, timing is everything. I think that is where my passion for landscaping and lawn care started. At 32 F, the temperature is too cold to lay sod. Their biggest concern is with homeowners who just dont know enough about, the ground and sod during a dormant season. These include protecting the ground from erosion, using less water, and having the sod take root and grow as soon as spring hits. Grasses in the warm season zone need to be able to . Preparation is key, so you should allow a few weeks before youre ready to start the project. If there is no potential for frost or freeze, water the ground and lay the dormant sod end to end. If the weather is going to be warm, there are a few extra precautions you need to take if you want your lawn to be successful. After the sod is installed the initial watering should soak the sod and hydrate the soil below many inches. TheLawnifi New Lawn Starter Boxis designed for newly sodded, seeded or plugged lawns. Oftentimes, people purchase sod through local distributors, landscapers or even big-box retailers. With thousands of articles covering everything from do-it-yourself repairs to tips on parenting, Arew has something for everyone. Although seeding a new lawn or reseeding an existing one will give you more grass type options and a healthier, better-performing lawn, sodding does have its benefits: Because the sod producer did all the preliminary hard work, all you need to do is make sure the ground is properly prepared beforehand. As a general rule, keep the soil moist three inches below the surface when establishing. Aim to have at least 3 pairs of hands on site ready to receive the delivery. Humans do, pets do, and so do plants. The ideal temperature to resod a lawn is 55 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Read on to learn more. Julie Christensen is a food writer, caterer, and mom-chef. Broadly there are two kinds of grasses, warm-season and cold-season. choose a shady spot for your lawn that will get some protection from the hot summer sun. Once turf starts to warm up, it will get very hot very quickly. When you lay this turf during freezing temperatures, the sod will remain dormant until the spring season. Planting sod at the right time and temperature helps ensure that the roots become established quickly. Before you install the sod, remove any weeds or rocks from the ground. On the other hand, too little water will also affect sod success. Whatever you do, dont leave the turf on the pallet hoping it will cool down. Zoysia sod is actually happiest if it's at least 80 degrees, but it will still establish at lower temperatures, at a much slower rate. Sod producers dont begin harvesting until conditions are right anyway. There are a few things to consider when deciding when to lay sod. What should the temperature be when laying sod? Spring is also a great time of year to complete this landscaping project, but due to the fact that grass continues to grow despite the cooler weather in early and mid-fall, fall months win this close battle between spring and fall seasons as the most ideal time to lay sod. Dont lay sod too early in the spring or too late in the fall. Many people ask, What temperature is too cold to lay sod? What temperature is suitable for sodding? Our editors and experts handpick every product we feature. You can successfully lay sod during any season, but first, its good to know how to lay sod no matter what time of year it is: The early fall or mid-fall tends to be the best time to plant sod. Never ever water rolled up turf. As mentioned, you want to have the right type of sod and plan to sod on a day when temperatures are mild and the ground is not frozen. As stated above, attempting to lay sod in heavy rain will result in a delay, so plan to complete the project when the forecast is clear. If you have a busy week coming up, it might not be the best time to lay sod, because it is a labor-intensive project. At Sod Solutions, we are often asked the question, When is the best time to lay new sod? Knowing when to lay sod ensures a beautiful, successful yard. Although you can lay sod at almost any time of year, fall is actually the worst time of year to lay sod. In this guide, well let you know how to choose the best time to lay sod in your yard, so you can get the most beautiful lawn possible. You may also have difficulty inserting trowels or shovels into . In general, though, the ideal time to lay sod is when daytime temperatures are cool between 55 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. All low areas should be filled in and high spots removed. If you have a lot of weeds or dead grass, it is best to lay the sod after you have taken care of those issues. You can seed your lawn with Zoysia or you can lay sod. Be sure to keep an eye on the weather. If it rains 1/2" in a week, turn on the irrigation to make up the remaining 1/2". Broadly there are two kinds of grasses, warm-season and cold-season. For Tall Fescue, a cool season grass, apply up to 2" of water a week during the height of summer and 1" of water the rest of the year. Sod installation is a popular choice for homeowners who want to achieve a beautiful, luscious lawn without having to wait months or even a year for grass seeds to germinate. The benefits of laying sod are many, including a fast way to achieve an even, green lawn. This also gives the sod plenty of time to get established before winter weather arrives. Its easy to install and maintain, and its perfect for busy people who dont have time to mow a lawn. Make sure your choice of grass is suitable for your landscape environment. Anchor the sod using wooden stakes or dowels. In the second week, water every other day and then transition to twice a week. A classic sign of soil compaction is when a lawn feels bone dry and dense to the touch and rock hard underfoot. Whether youre on the hunt for one-time sod installation, or recurring services, were the team for the job. Creating a lawn by laying sod is simpler than babying grass seed along, but its not without its hazards. While it may seem like a good idea, watering rolled up sod will actually accelerate the heating process! This will help reduce stress on the grass as it adapts to its new environment. . Once spring hits and the temperature starts rising into the 60s (Fahrenheit), thats the time to start thinking about laying your turf grass. Insect Identification You may need to order a bit extra to account for any discrepancies. Youll need to make sure the ground is prepared properly, which can be time-consuming, and then you have to lay the sod down carefully so that it takes root. All you have to do is continue to water your sod and avoid walking on it. Schwerdt-Blog. Provide 1" of water a week for warm season lawns - all season long while the grass is green. The successful establishment of a new lawn depends on careful soil preparation, as well as planting grass at the right time. People with heatstroke arent very good at laying turf quickly. If you live in an area with harsh winters, wait until spring when temperatures have warmed up enough to support new grass growth. In Texas, that means laying this sod between the late spring and late summer months. If youve not done it before, heres a video from our sister-company to remind you how its done. This is because cool temperatures and light rain encourage sod growth. They range between 1326. Ourinstallation guideis comprehensive and will help you install your lawn appropriately. Install new sod in late winter or early summer. This will result in a professional-looking job that you can be proud of. You dont want to lay sod in the middle of a heatwave or a cold snap. The best time to lay sod depends on various factors. In either season, avoid laying sod during hot, dry weather because it wont be able to take root properly in parched soil and will die off quickly.. Laying St. Augustine sod in the late summer or early fall is a risky proposition because cooler temperatures are on the horizon. One important thing to keep in mind is to make sure your soil is properly prepared beforehand, so your lawn can thrive at maximum capacity. For more tips and information,contact Emerald Sod Farms today. Water shadier spots less than the sunnier spots to help reduce disease. In fact, this warm-season grass is better suited for sprig or sod installation. The third thing to consider is the amount of rainfall. Sod will not root properly if the temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit or above 85 degrees Fahrenheit. And you will need to work fast. If its too cold, the sod wont take root and will eventually die as well. Always have enough helpers on hand, you dont want the sod to be stacked on the pallet for much longer than 24 hours, they can easily heat up to 130 F in that amount of time. 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Incredibly, it popped out from under the snow the following spring with no severe damage or subsequent issues. However, the practice comes with a myriad of challenges. Learn more aboutThe Benefits of Laying Sod in the Winteror check out ourinstallation guide. Do you love your home landscape as much as we do? Laying sod can be a time-consuming and frustrating task, which is why at Coastal Turf, we are here to help from start to finish. While it may make sense to wait, sometimes you dont have a choice. Zoysia sod will be at its best when it is at least 80 degrees. Sod will not root properly if the temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit or above 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Once prepared, the soil surface should be firm and covered with about one-half inch of loose soil. We recommend our users to update the browser. New sod needs plenty of water once it's in place. Buy an. Whether youre looking to overseed, patch up bare spots or start a new lawn, our varieties of warm and cool season grass seed will ensure your landscape project is completed properly. The inside of the roll will get all hot and steamy like a sauna and the plants will die. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. If you absolutely must lay sod in the fall, do so as early in the season as possible. Before you even order your turf, make sure that the soil is all prepared and that you have all the tools and watering equipment you need. This will help to lock the sod rolls together once installed. Whilst most well established plants like trees or older lawns have their own coping mechanisms for heat; newly planted bedding plants, turf or wildflower mats do need extra nurturing if they are to look their best. . Believe it or not, the most ideal time for this is either early or mid-fall. Writing professionally since 2010, Amy Rodriguez cultivates successful cacti, succulents, bulbs, carnivorous plants and orchids at home. Because St. Augustine grass prefers hot weather for active growth, water the sod directly after installation. No, it is not too late to lay sod in . Home; Schwerdt-Blog; Autor Many homeowners prefer installing sod instead of babying grass seeds to create a beautiful lawn. Dont sod during the dog days of summer. In general, though, the ideal time to lay sod is when daytime temperatures are cool between 55 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. The sod will dry out or die if you plant it during peak summer temperatures. When laying sod in the winter in the south, the sod can look dormant, but dormancy is just like hibernationit will be off-color and appear dead, but will regain its color in the spring when temperatures warm up. 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